So, first, you’ll want to click on releases right here, and I’ll include a link to this video in the description. So, first and foremost, you should click this one. The installer.exe with the four points. OK, now that it’s downloaded, you can open it by clicking on it. Regardless, click more details and run. I already have it, so I’ll click OK; you need to click, I agree. Because I already have Steam VR open, reinstalling may result in an error. OK, so that’s done. So the next step is to get the playspace mover to really operate because that’s what we need to do first. So we merely installed as advanced options, which includes a playspace mover as well as a slew of other capabilities. However, in order for it to operate with its controllers, you must first go to settings. On this Steam VR window, you may access the hamburger menu by clicking here. Settings. You want to head over to the controllers now. The simplest method is just to select show on advanced settings here. Then display all binding UI. You could also do this in VR, but it may be quicker to do it on your desktop, so once this is open, go down to the bottom and select advanced settings. Now, I’m not sure about the index controllers, but let’s say I want to build up to something like an oculous. It should be set up automatically. Last year, I shared my own binding, which you could download. You don’t see it under that if you see it under the community bindings. Because it does not always assign a binding, you should click any community bindings. So, let’s assume we try this one here. You could edit this binding by clicking the Edit button. Move this window out of the way, or we can minimize it for the time being, OK? So, with this binding, the playspace mover is bound to a button, and it has a clickable button. To move your playspace, simply click and hold A while moving your controller. However, if you wanted it to be a toggle button, you would just click this small pencil icon and transform it into a toggle button. An under-click is required. However, I believe it is ideal for keeping it as a button that you push and hold to move the controller. If you wanted to change it to another button, for example, a B button, all you had to do was press the B button. Simply click the “+ here” button. Select none. The playspace mover you just clicked plus is right-hand space, drag space, right-hand space drag. It’s a one-time binding save. That’s all there is to the feeling. To make it work with the Vive, because I don’t think it automatically selects the binding for it, click 5 controllers, which should be selected automatically if you’re already using the Vive. I had an index, so I manually chose the fifth one. So you’d click edit, or you could choose any random one to get the binding page to open up and. You only want to have a look at your buttons. Choose the button you wish to use for the playspace drag. Which was the case when I had a Vive. Let’s see what happens here. I had it up here as a menu button, so I pressed and held it to move the play space. But if you wanted it to be another button like the steam button, which I wouldn’t advocate because pressing it will bring up the steam menu, I’d probably keep it as the menu button, but if none of this was here, I’ll delete it everything. Let’s say it’s not working at all, and everything is entirely blank to newly install it, and you simply click “+.” However, in. And then, right here, click. There are also more alternatives, such as double-clicking it to make it actually. But for the time being, let’s just do it as a single. Right-hand space drag is selected. Plus Dave’s own binding. It should be applied to your current binding automatically. Allow me to return quickly. For use with the index controller. You could choose between a personal and a community bond. Sorry, or you could make your own which you could make your own. You merely inserted the one that is now selected, and again if it is not. It will be selected automatically. Simply go to the community. Choose any random one and click view, then add the button as I demonstrated on the Oculus and Vive controllers. It will also apply to the index. You only need to select the current button for it. Now that we’ve got the binding in place, the next thing you’ll want to do is open up the advanced settings. What do you name it when it comes to settings? There’s a tiny circle that’s been added to the Steam VR dashboard, and you’ll want to enable space drag, and I could go ahead and show you that I’ll have to click display VR view and quickly put my headset on. Also, get my index controllers, and I’ll show you how to use them here. OK. I’ve got my index controllers on and my headset on, so I’ll show you. You can see how it incorporates it. Advanced settings are circle settings, a small button, and you press that. Now you go to, I believe it was motion, yep motion, and these will be turned off by default. I’d recommend putting both of them on. Even if you’re just going to utilize your left hand, I’d still use your right hand. Because if you want to add space, drag with your right hand. If you ever want to, you won’t be perplexed as to why it’s not working. As a result, I would definitely enable these two immediately. And there are a lot of other possibilities here, such as gravity, which I could probably show you here when you lift yourself up. Yeah, I’ve got my gravity set up, but you just control how quickly you fall back down to your floor, and you could also put up a keybind to activate it. Assume that both triggers and clicking both touchpads enable or disable gravity adjustments. But if you want me to show you how to do that, I can create another video on it, as well as many other costs on advanced settings, but for now, I’m just going to stick with the playspace mover for this video, and that’s about it. So I’ll just go through this one more time. You simply want to display the previous binding UI. Display more applications. Advanced options and. You simply want to configure your keybinds so that you can play space. Mover is on the desired button. After that, go back to advanced settings motion and enable space track for left and right in, and everything should be great. I could demonstrate how it works here. Because I installed advanced settings while the headset was operating, I’ll have to reset it. For a short while, advanced settings will be disabled. OK. So I used my keybinds and pulled the left trigger. Then I touched the touchpad, and you can see how I was able to lift myself up and truly have gravity on zero gravity toggle. I think so. Hold my thumbs on both the B&A buttons and press both triggers. Yes, it either turns it on or off, so I could rest him on both buttons. Head Bolt both initiates and activates it. But, yes. That concludes the playspace mover setup. Please let me know if you have any questions. I could show you how to do it. I’ll provide my discord in the description so I can help you set it up if you need it, but it’s quite simple. So it’s hardly rocket science.