Ozark Storyline

The show centers around a financial planner who finds himself in a world of trouble when he moves his wife and two children from Chicago to the Ozarks region. The family tries to adjust to their new surroundings as they face unsettling realities about money, life, and crime.

What Happened To Ben Davis In Ozark in season 3

Everyone’s safety was in jeopardy because of Ben’s unstable behavior. Wendy quits her job as casino manager because of the strain of dealing with Ben. Drinking in a parking lot during the day is an option. Ben’s five-year plan, which involves a relationship with Ruth Langmore and simple existence, appears to have convinced her that he is too much of a burden. When he finally departs, we witness Hitman Nelson of the cartel making his way to the scene. As Marty attempts to convince Ruth that Helen must have phoned in the hit, he disposes of the body he believes to be Ben’s. Even though Ben was incinerated before we saw any evidence that he had died, we never saw evidence that he had genuinely been annihilated. We don’t know for sure who else was in the bag. Birds tend to accumulate bodies, so this wouldn’t be all that outlandish.

Is Ben Still Alive?

At the end of the third season, Wendy finally exposes the location of his brother. The scene changes to the cremation chamber as cartel hitmen arrive to make matters worse. Ben is never shown to have been murdered by the cartel’s hitmen in this series. Consequently, Ben’s admirers are mystified. An intriguing suggestion by Reddit member Ripple Slash supports the notion of Ben’s survival. According to this scenario, Navarro, Nelson, and Marty were all involved in this conspiracy when Wendy and the rest of the cast were trapped in the Dark Navarro, one of the birds. Over the course of the season, the Byrde couple wants to show him two things. That they were devoted to him and made his money. Marty’s effort to flip FBI forensic accountant Maya Miller showed he might be helpful if Wendy had placed Navarro’s company ahead of her own.

About Ben Davis

In Ozark’s third season, an enemy named Benjamin Jude Davis appeared. Wendy Byrde’s brother he’s a very cool dude. However, his bipolar disorder makes him incredibly unstable and unpredictable, making him a good-hearted man who wants to do the right thing. However, Ben and Wendy’s connection is strained due to their terrible background and Ben’s sickness. Ben demonstrates his loyalty to the people he cares about, notably Ruth and Wendy. Ben has a tendency to act without thinking about the ramifications of his decisions. Among other things, he gets rid of his medicine, punches Marty, rages at Helen’s kid for what she does, calls the police, and tries to apologize to Helen. He becomes a liability because of this.

Ozark Season 4 Rating & Reviews


If you’ve never seen the series before and are curious about its quality, I can assure you that it’s pretty good! 8.4 /10 is a respectable IMDb score, and in Rottentomatoes, the show has a 90% average audience score. So definitely, this show is in my book. If you’re still undecided about seeing it, have a look at what others had to say about it after you.


A fantastic show with an equally fantastic cast. Ozark is a crime/thriller show that will appeal to fans of unconventional crime/thriller shows such as Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Bridge, and a few more. Ozark is a true treasure in a day where mass-produced mass-marketed things flood all channels, and it is at the top of the heap.

Ozark season 4 Part 2 Release Date

Although the show’s makers have not officially confirmed that the show will be ending, there has been some speculation. Following the announcement of the 4th season part 2 of Ozark, it looks that a release date will be revealed shortly after that. According to the schedule, season 4 part 2 of Ozark will air in the end of 2022.

Ozark Trailer


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