Pat King, age 44, has been detained since his February 18 arrest. Regarding his role in the ‘Freedom Convoy’ rallies that seized downtown Ottawa for three weeks, he is facing ten charges, including intimidation, obstruction of police, and mischief. The judge granted David Goodman’s plea to prohibit the publication of the hearing transcript. Therefore, no evidence or testimony may be reported. On Wednesday, King’s hearing was abruptly halted because it appeared his attorney’s computer was hacked during the proceedings. Later, attorney David Goodman stated that the threat was not as grave as initially believed, and no files were exposed. The hearing was postponed the following day to allow King’s legal team time to review the new allegations, leaving King obviously dejected and with his head in his hands. Since then, he has hired a new attorney to fight for his release and defend him against the accumulating charges. Natasha Calvinho, an attorney from Ottawa, informed the court on Tuesday that she had been retained as King’s full counsel and requested some time to become familiar with his case. Next week, King will appear in court to reschedule the remainder of his bail review hearing.

King ‘pretty beat down’ in jail

A pastor who attempts to visit King on a regular basis in the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre wonders how long he has been incarcerated. Melissa McKee, a minister of Ottawa’s Capital City Bikers’ Church, which granted protesters sanctuary space during its regular hours during the Freedom Convoy, states, “He’s fairly beat up.” King remains dissatisfied with the justice system; he went through a series of attorneys before hiring Natasha Calvinho as his current attorney, but he continues to face charges for mischief, counseling to commit mischief, counseling to commit the offense of disobeying a court order, and counseling to obstruct police. During a bail review hearing in April, King was charged with obstruction of justice and perjury. All evidence provided before the bail review continues to be subject to a publication ban, frequently requested and approved to protect potential jurors from bias before trial.

Supporters question justice of detainment

Many supporters continue to consider King as a driving force behind the Freedom Convoy and the ongoing movement it spawned. Irma Vep Season 2: Confirmed Release Date, Did The Show Finally Get Renewed? Bloody Heart Season 2: Confirmed Release Date, Did The Show Finally Get Renewed? McKee asserts that his lengthy imprisonment is unjust regardless of what others may think of him. “I am not comparing Pat to Tamara or Chris Barber; rather, I am comparing what he did, so what did he do? He did Facebook live broadcasts motivating people, and he was aware that his arrest was a possibility, but [113] days?” McKee states that she routinely ministers to individuals in need of “heart care” or “spiritual care.” “I’m doing for Pat King exactly what I would do for anyone who walked on our door,” she said, adding that God had placed a calling on her life to heal hurting individuals. After King had spent more than 100 days in jail, a group fighting on his behalf launched a letter-writing campaign earlier this month, requesting that people send him letters of support. “Pat King is being pressed to sign a gag order to suppress his voice upon his release from prison after being emotionally drained for over 100 days. Send letters of encouragement to Pat King at the address shown below, urging him to Hold The Line!” wrote David Paisley, who runs the famous social media station “Live from the Shed.” Billings’ supporters continue to fundraise for him online; towards the end of May, a statement on his Facebook page, ostensibly written by his daughter, stated that Billings needed repairs to his “Freedom vehicle” and that his release is imminent. “Every little bit helps. Thank you for what you’ve done and continue to do for freedom. George appreciates the cards and support he has received from everyone. He adores you so much. “Partially read the message. Billings’ legal counsel did not reply to numerous requests for comment.